Friday 11 February 2011

Bobbies Surgery

This morning I left Bob at the vets for her surgery. She was to have the lump removed from under her ear and while she was under the anesthetic she was to be spayed.

She hates the vets as it is. There's no real reason for this, she's been a pretty healthy dog. This morning when I handed over the lead to the nurse, her poor little face said it all.

"Where are you going?" 

"Why are you leaving me?"

"Don't leave me!"

I collected her this afternoon. She shuffled to her bed and lay down and closed her eyes and she hasn't opened them since. I know she sleeping the anesthetic off and I know she's going to feel sore when she finally wakes up. Now we just have to wait for the results of tests on the removed lump. I'm still using positive thinking and will not worry until I'm told otherwise.

I leave you with the sleeping Bob.

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